WE MADE IT! And, PROUDLY with out any arguing! (if you know kevin and i, you would know a trip like this would cause a little friction)
So, we left at midnight tuesday night/wednesday morning so we could get a head start. Kevin drove ALL day, until about 1:30pm. Nothing exciting happened to my knowledge.. i was sleeping! haha. Anyway, i drove about two hours and then we decided to stop in Casey, IL. It was about 95* out, with (as kevin says) 1000 percent humidity! We jumped in the pool, which was seriously like bath water! Ate some diner, and relaxed in the AC. Headed to bed at 5pm, so we could get some rest for a long day of driving again!
Got up at 3, and headed out.. finally made it to Co about 4 their time. What a trip! Sophie was GREAT! She couldnt have been better! The first day she was in her kennell alll day, which its big.. so she was fine. And she didnt fuss at all! The next day, i couldnt help it.. i let her sleep with me :) And she was great! She stayed right in my lap all day.
Colorado is just as I remember it! I have been crazy busy which is great! Keeping me from being homesick! Which I still am. Saw my sister and her bf, and his daughter. My friend Lauren, and a few of her friends. My cousin Rachel, Travis, their boys, and my cousin Keith. And of course Kev's dad, and sister and mom. <3